• Now Listening:
  • 18th & Addison – “Leeches”

    A few weeks ago, New Jersey-based rock-punk favorites 18th & Addison released their latest single, “Leeches”, and it was definitely worth the wait. Like with all of their releases, “Leeches” hits all the right notes (literally and metaphorically) in being not-your-average punk and rock and roll anthem that’s infectious and is a must-have in your music’s heavy rotation.

    As they revealed in my interview with them a few months ago, Tom and Kait, the masterminds behind 18th & Addison, share the creative process when it comes to creating and playing songs. “Leeches” is an exceptional example of that, where both of their voices are layered to create a unique blend of vocals. Though we’ve seen this kind of technique used by them before, such as in their song “Bitter Half”, the somber yet hopeful tone of the “Leeches”, driving home the idea that though shit may suck now and will for a while but we should just keep pushing through, feels so refreshing and new for this band. The best way to listen to this song, in my opinion, is in the morning and on your daily travel/commute, because it gives you the perfect dose of motivation you need to go and, in the most cliche way possible, sieze the day.

    With a new album in the works, I absolutely can’t wait for what’s in store for these folks! Be sure to catch them this month on Long Island at Shaker’s Pub, where you will definitely see me singing along to this single!

