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  • Run For The Whales – “Wake Up”

    Long Island’s emo-punk group Run For The Whales released another banger, “Wake Up”, out now on all places you listen to music! Following the release of their July single, “Godspeed, Spider-Man”, which promised a familiar energy that Run For The Whales’ fans have experienced but “bigger, better, louder, and stronger”, “Wake Up” feels like an introduction to a new era for the band. 

    The song’s content is about “second guessing your choices, and the conversations we have with ourselves about moving past stress and hardship”. If experiencing a quarter-life crisis were a song, Run For The Whales hit the nail on the head harder and faster than I can comment “I am in this post and I do not like it.” As a fellow artist, it is easy to feel that all of your work and the choices you make are for absolutely nothing. “Wake Up” reminds us all that we aren’t alone

    Aside from the home-hitting lyrical content, what I love about this track the most is how unique it sounds format-wise; the track doesn’t follow a song’s typical verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus structure. The song is masterfully chaotic, with relatable lyrics and tones that can speak to anyone that is dealing with a difficult time. During a year where everything seems so uncertain and at a stand-still, it is really refreshing to see that there are musicians who are breaking boundaries and rules, and crushing it while they’re at it.

    Be sure to follow the band on all of their social medias to keep up-to-date with their upcoming releases and let us know what you thought of this track!